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Basic medical sciences viva questions


*ViVa Questions with Answers On Basic Medical Sciences.*

1. *What is the largest organ in the human body?*


2. *What is the basic functional unit of the kidney?*


3. *What type of blood cell is primarily responsible for carrying oxygen?*

   Red blood cell (erythrocyte).

4. *What hormone regulates blood sugar levels?*


5. *What is the main function of white blood cells?*

   Fight infections.

6. *What is the term for the windpipe?*


7. *What is the powerhouse of the cell?*


8. *What is the term for the voice box?*


9. *Which part of the brain is responsible for balance and coordination?*


10. *What is the primary function of the large intestine?*

    Absorb water.

11. *What is the normal pH range of human blood?*

    7.35 to 7.45.

12. *What is the main component of hemoglobin?*


13. *What is the term for the sac surrounding the heart?*


14. *Which organ produces bile?*


15. *What is the smallest bone in the human body?*


16. *What is the main function of platelets?*

    Blood clotting.

17. *What is the primary site of nutrient absorption?*

    Small intestine.

18. *What is the medical term for high blood pressure?*


19. *What is the main muscle used in breathing?*


20. *What part of the brain controls voluntary movements?*


21. *What is the normal respiratory rate for adults?*

    12 to 20 breaths per minute.

22. *What type of joint is the knee?*

    Hinge joint.

23. *Which blood type is the universal donor?*

    O negative.

24. *What is the basic unit of the nervous system?*


25. *What is the term for inflammation of the liver?*


26. *Which gland regulates metabolism?*

    Thyroid gland.

27. *What is the primary function of the alveoli?*

    Gas exchange.

28. *What is the term for low blood sugar?*


29. *What organ is responsible for filtering blood?*


30. *What is the medical term for a heart attack?*

    Myocardial infarction.

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