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Mlt MCQ,S ,Important MLT Questions

 Material Required

1. What is required to ensure safety when handling chemicals?

    - a) Water bottles

    - b) Rubber band

    - c) *Gloves and safety goggles*

    - d) Dish soap

2. Which item is not listed in the required materials?

    - a) Water

    - b) *Bunsen burner*

    - c) Dish soap

    - d) Rubber band

Procedure for Preparing a Wash Bottle.

3. What should you verify before using the wash bottle?

    - a) If it is full

    - b) *If it is clean and dry*

    - c) If it has a label

    - d) If it is empty

4. What should be inserted into the rubber stopper?

    - a) Long piece of tubing

    - b) *Short piece of glass or plastic tubing*

    - c) Funnel

    - d) Beaker

5. How should you secure the wash bottle to prevent tipping?

    - a) Place on a flat surface

    - b) *Attach to a lab stand or ring stand*

    - c) Hold by hand

    - d) None of the above

6. What is used to create a tight seal around the neck of the wash bottle?

    - a) Funnel

    - b) *Grommet or rubber washer*

    - c) Clamp

    - d) Glass tube

7. What should you use to pour the desired liquid into the wash bottle?

    - a) Beaker

    - b) *Funnel*

    - c) Dropper

    - d) Pipette

8. How do you dispense the liquid from the wash bottle?

    - a) By shaking it

    - b) *By gently squeezing it*

    - c) By tilting it

    - d) By pouring it

9. What should you do after testing the wash bottle?

    - a) Discard it

    - b) *Label it with contents and safety information*

    - c) Clean it again

    - d) Store it without labeling

Crystallization of Naphthalene

10. What should you wear before starting the crystallization process?

    - a) *Gloves and goggles*

    - b) Lab coat

    - c) Safety shoes

    - d) Hairnet

11. What is added to the impure naphthalene to dissolve impurities?

    - a) *Non-polar solvent (e.g., petroleum ether)*

    - b) Water

    - c) Acid

    - d) Alcohol

12. How do you filter the hot solution?

    - a) Use a strainer

    - b) *Set up a filtration apparatus with filter paper or a Büchner funnel and filter flask*

    - c) Use a funnel and cloth

    - d) Pour it into another beaker

13. Where should the clear naphthalene solution be transferred for crystallization?

    - a) *To a dish*

    - b) To a flask

    - c) To a jar

    - d) To a beaker

14. How are the naphthalene crystals collected?

    - a) *By draining off any remaining liquid and air-drying*

    - b) By boiling

    - c) By pouring out the solution

    - d) By freezing

Sublimation of Naphthalene

15. How much mixture should be placed on the China dish?

    - a) 1g

    - b) 2g

    - c) *5g*

    - d) 10g

16. What is used to prevent vapors from escaping during sublimation?

    - a) *Inverted funnel with cotton plug*

    - b) Lid

    - c) Another dish

    - d) Plastic wrap

17. How long should the sand bath be heated?

    - a) 2-3 minutes

    - b) *5-10 minutes*

    - c) 15-20 minutes

    - d) 30 minutes

18. Where are the pure naphthalene crystals observed?

    - a) On the sand bath

    - b) *On the filter paper*

    - c) In the China dish

    - d) In the beaker

Melting Point Determination

19. What is used to crush the naphthalene into a fine powder?

    - a) *Tile*

    - b) Mortar and pestle

    - c) Beaker

    - d) Spoon

20. At what point should the temperature be noted during melting?

    - a) When the water starts boiling

    - b) When the water cools down

    - c) *When the naphthalene starts and finishes melting*

    - d) When the thermometer breaks

Boiling Point Determination

21. What is attached to the thermometer using a thread?

    - a) *Fusion tube*

    - b) Capillary tube

    - c) Beaker

    - d) Stand

22. What indicates the boiling point of the compound?

    - a) Change in color

    - b) *Continuous stream of bubbles*

    - c) Change in smell

    - d) Melting of the substance

Preparing 0.1M NaOH Solution

23. What is the molar mass of NaOH?

    - a) 30 g/mol

    - b) *40 g/mol*

    - c) 50 g/mol

    - d) 60 g/mol

24. How much NaOH is required to make 0.1M solution in 100cm3 of water?

    - a) 0.2 g

    - b) 0.3 g

    - c) *0.4 g*

    - d) 0.5 g

Standardization of NaOH Solution

25. What indicator is used in the standardization of NaOH with oxalic acid?

    - a) Methyl orange

    - b) **Phenolphthalein**

    - c) Bromothymol blue

    - d) Litmus

26. What is the endpoint color change in the titration of oxalic acid with NaOH?

    - a) *Colorless to light pink*

    - b) Blue to red

    - c) Yellow to green

    - d) Red to blue

Normality Determination of H2SO4

27. What is the standard solution used in the titration of H2SO4?

    - a) *0.1M NaOH*

    - b) 0.1M HCl

    - c) 0.1M KOH

    - d) 0.1M NH4OH

28. What is the endpoint color change in the titration of NaOH with H2SO4?

    - a) Red to yellow

    - b) *Light pink to colorless*

    - c) Blue to green

    - d) Purple to orange

Acetic Acid in Vinegar

29. What is the standard solution used in determining the amount of acetic acid in vinegar?

    - a) *0.05M NaOH*

    - b) 0.1M HCl

    - c) 0.1M NH4OH

    - d) 0.05M KOH

30. What is the end-point indicator used in the titration of acetic acid in vinegar?

    - a) *Phenolphthalein*

    - b) Methyl orange

    - c) Bromothymol blue

    - d) Litmus

Standardizing KMnO4 Solution

31. What is the principle used in standardizing KMnO4 solution?

    - a) *Oxidation-Reduction Titration*

    - b) Precipitation Titration

    - c) Complexometric Titration

    - d) Acid-Base Titration

32. What is the endpoint indicator for KMnO4 titration?

    - a) *KMnO4 itself*

    - b) Phenolphthalein

    - c) Methyl orange

    - d) Bromothymol blue

General Lab Procedures

33. What should be done if NaOH solution spills?

    - a) Wipe it with a cloth

    - b) Let it evaporate

    - c) *Neutralize with acid and clean up immediately*

    - d) Cover it with sand

34. How should NaOH be added to water?

    - a) All at once

    - b) *Slowly with constant stirring*

    - c) Quickly without stirring

    - d) In small chunks

35. How should the solution be labeled?

    - a) With the name and date

    - b) *With concentration and date*

    - c) With volume and date

    - d) With the name and concentration

Additional Questions

36. What is used to secure the wash bottle to prevent tipping?

    - a) *Lab stand or ring stand*

    - b) Beaker

    - c) Flask

    - d) Clamp

37. How should the NaOH solution be mixed thoroughly?

    - a) Shake the beaker

    - b) *Turn the measuring flask upside down*

    - c) Stir with a glass rod

    - d) Mix with a spoon

38. What is the mole ratio of H2SO4 to NaOH in their

 titration reaction?

    - a) 1:1

    - b) *1:2*

    - c) 2:1

    - d) 2:2

39. What happens to the naphthalene when heat is applied during sublimation?

    - a) Melts

    - b) *Vaporizes and then condenses*

    - c) Dissolves

    - d) Burns

40. What is the approximate normality of H2SO4 if 25cm3 of 0.1M NaOH is required for titration?

    - a) 0.1N

    - b) *0.05N*

    - c) 0.2N

    - d) 0.025N

41. How do you ensure safety during titration procedures?

    - a) Use gloves only

    - b) Use goggles only

    - c) *Use gloves and goggles*

    - d) Use a lab coat

42. What is the color of phenolphthalein in a basic solution?

    - a) Colorless

    - b) *Pink*

    - c) Yellow

    - d) Blue

43. How should pure naphthalene crystals be stored?

    - a) *In a dry container*

    - b) In a wet container

    - c) In an open dish

    - d) In a plastic bag

44. What is the first step in the crystallization of naphthalene?

    - a) *Wear gloves and goggles*

    - b) Heat the solution

    - c) Filter the solution

    - d) Collect the crystals

45. How should the remaining liquid be handled after collecting naphthalene crystals?

    - a) *Drained off and discarded safely*

    - b) Mixed with other chemicals

    - c) Left in the dish

    - d) Used for another experiment

46. What is the concentration of a 0.1M solution of NaOH?

    - a) *0.1 moles per liter*

    - b) 0.1 grams per liter

    - c) 1 mole per liter

    - d) 10 moles per liter

47. Why is it important to label the wash bottle?

    - a) To show ownership

    - b) *To indicate contents and safety information*

    - c) To prevent theft

    - d) For aesthetic purposes

48. What should be done with the wash bottle after use?

    - a) Throw it away

    - b) *Rinse and store properly*

    - c) Leave it on the bench

    - d) Use it for another solution

49. What is the endpoint color of phenolphthalein in an acid-base titration?

    - a) Blue

    - b) Green

    - c) *Light pink*

    - d) Yellow

50. What should be done if the naphthalene does not dissolve completely?

    - a) *Add more solvent*

    - b) Heat less

    - c) Cool down

    - d) Shake vigorously

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